Friday, June 21, 2019

Why kids should have a phone

my opinion is that children should have a phone when they are 10 years old.

Children should  have a phone to call the police if there
is something wrong

children need to be  incontact with their friends so they can be organes to
meet up with
each other a cell phone can work with a child and a child can
spell better with cell phone.
In the U.S children are
so spot to get a phone when they 18 years old. The extra sense of the
security and the safety that a cell phone.
So know you now that children should have a phone

Persuasive Writing Success Criteria

  • Opening question
  • Opinion/Reason

3 Reasons
  • Each paragraph is one idea supported with your reasons/facts

  • This ties back/recaps back to the introduction

Highlight evidence of linking words.

I like how there are facts and lost of information next time you can work
on your linking words and more detail in you work by the way you don't have
a conclusion and 3 reasons why you have got one linking word

I think that i do need to put some more liking words in my writing and work on
quite a lot to do still

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